As the principal of Te Kura Reo Rua o Maraenui, it is my privilege to work with confident students, dedicated staff, a motivated Board of Trustees’, and passionate whānau whānui. The vision of our kura,
“Te tamaiti ākona ki Maraenui tū ana ki tōna ao, tau ana” is inclusive and reflects the school motto,
“Piki ake kake ake kia hāngai teitei”.
Meet Our TeamThis reinforces the idea that the learning journey is ongoing, that from a strong kaupapa Māori base we will be ready for the future, and collectively, we’re all committed to succeeding in our chosen learning pathway.
Essentially, at our school everyone works together to identify, ignite and nurture the passion for learning.
Nāku me aku mihi maioha.
Chris Worsley